Oral Surgery Mentorship Course

Oral Surgery Mentorship Course


Who – Dentists

Process – Hands-on

Duration – 1 day

Costs – £499


About the Course

Enhance your skills with our one-day oral surgery course led by Dr. Wasif Jamil. Gain hands-on experience in radiography, incisions, suturing, and managing complications. Practice on sheep heads to perfect techniques and boost your confidence in oral surgery procedures. Join us for expert guidance and practical knowledge in a supportive learning environment.




Oral Surgery Mentorship Course

Welcome to our comprehensive one-day oral surgery course!

Led by Dr. Wasif Jamil, a Tier 2 Specialist Oral Surgery Practitioner with over 7 years of experience, our course is designed for dental professionals who want to enhance their skills and confidence in oral surgery procedures. This hands-on course covers a range of topics and provides participants with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience using sheep heads.

The course begins with a thorough exploration of radiographs and anatomy to ensure you understand the intricacies of oral anatomy needed to interpret radiographs correctly. This is vital for creating surgical plans and executing surgery precisely, maintaining high standards of patient safety.

Dr. Wasif will guide participants through proper techniques for creating precise incisions and raising flaps, essential for accessing the surgical site with minimal trauma to surrounding tissue. He will guide you step-by-step, emphasizing correct technique and best practices throughout.

Participants will then put their knowledge into practice by using sheep heads to gain experience in tooth extractions, biopsy techniques, and other common oral surgical procedures encountered in dental practice.

You will also receive comprehensive instruction on suturing techniques, a critical oral surgery skill. Understanding multiple suturing techniques and using them correctly is vital for promoting better healing and improved patient comfort.

Finally, you will learn how to address basic complications that may arise during oral surgery procedures. Recognizing and managing complications is essential for providing safe and effective patient care.

If you’re looking to improve your proficiency in oral surgery, this course is for you. Whether you want to build a solid foundation in oral surgery or enhance your existing skills, our course offers valuable insights and hands-on practice in a supportive learning environment.

Join us to gain practical knowledge of radiography, minor oral surgery procedures, and suturing, all under the guidance of an expert with nearly a decade of experience.


Oral Surgery Mentorship Course – Hands-on

£499 Exclusive of VAT

Welcome to our comprehensive one-day oral surgery course!

Led by Dr. Wasif Jamil, a Tier 2 Specialist Oral Surgery Practitioner with over 7 years of experience, our course is designed for dental professionals who want to enhance their skills and confidence in oral surgery procedures. This hands-on course covers a range of topics and provides participants with both theoretical knowledge and practical experience using sheep heads.

The course begins with a thorough exploration of radiographs and anatomy to ensure you understand the intricacies of oral anatomy needed to interpret radiographs correctly. This is vital for creating surgical plans and executing surgery precisely, maintaining high standards of patient safety.

Dr. Wasif will guide participants through proper techniques for creating precise incisions and raising flaps, essential for accessing the surgical site with minimal trauma to surrounding tissue. He will guide you step-by-step, emphasizing correct technique and best practices throughout.

Participants will then put their knowledge into practice by using sheep heads to gain experience in tooth extractions, biopsy techniques, and other common oral surgical procedures encountered in dental practice.

You will also receive comprehensive instruction on suturing techniques, a critical oral surgery skill. Understanding multiple suturing techniques and using them correctly is vital for promoting better healing and improved patient comfort.

Finally, you will learn how to address basic complications that may arise during oral surgery procedures. Recognizing and managing complications is essential for providing safe and effective patient care.

If you’re looking to improve your proficiency in oral surgery, this course is for you. Whether you want to build a solid foundation in oral surgery or enhance your existing skills, our course offers valuable insights and hands-on practice in a supportive learning environment.

Join us to gain practical knowledge of radiography, minor oral surgery procedures, and suturing, all under the guidance of an expert with nearly a decade of experience.


Each course has a structured learning programme where we’ll be going through everything you need to know for that particular topic. Further resources and support will be provided and these courses are designed to be implemented into daily practice to increase your value. #investinyourself – a vital step to ensure you professionally develop as a clinician and improve your patient care.

Each course has a structured learning programme where we’ll be going through everything you need to know for that particular topic. Further resources and support will be provided and these courses are designed to be implemented into daily practice to increase your value. #investinyourself – a vital step to ensure you professionally develop as a clinician and improve your patient care.

Each course has a structured learning programme where we’ll be going through everything you need to know for that particular topic. Further resources and support will be provided and these courses are designed to be implemented into daily practice to increase your value. #investinyourself – a vital step to ensure you professionally develop as a clinician and improve your patient care.

Each course has a structured learning programme where we’ll be going through everything you need to know for that particular topic. Further resources and support will be provided and these courses are designed to be implemented into daily practice to increase your value. #investinyourself – a vital step to ensure you professionally develop as a clinician and improve your patient care.